How are you planning your exit from the Covid 19 crisis? Will you be starting from scratch? Or are you getting a jump start in communications with motivated sellers?

Trying times can be opportunity. People who might have been on the verge of making decisions to sell their home might truly be ready now. And wondering how they can go about getting it done.

Now is the time to get your direct mail campaign out the door to potential sellers.

Less clutter in the mail box – more attention is paid to what comes in.

A list of homeowners with Low Financial Stability Scores (FSS) could be just the trick to get your head start.

Think about it:

People who were already struggling on the brink may be reaching the tipping point with financial crisis.

Start your conversation with them now! Most people are sitting home hoping for solutions, so this is the time to send your letter or postcard. You can even call, text or email.

What is the Financial Stability Score (FSS)?

FSS is a model used to predict the likelihood that a person be accepted for certain types of credit offers. Consider the car dealer. They rely on credit-worthiness to make a sale, so they will only mail to people with high scores. When looking for motivated sellers, real estate investors want to focus on people at the lower end. It makes sense to mail to people who are struggling.

How can you convince them to sell to you? Send a benefits-driven message. Give a nudge to these off-market leads by telling them all the ways that you will make it easy for them to sell!

  • No open houses or showings at inopportune times
  • Got repairs to do? No problem! You buy as-is!
  • Quick turn-around
  • No need to pay realtor commissions
  • Leave what they don’t want to take – you’ll do the clean out.

Don’t wait to get started with your marketing. Get in touch with a mailing list broker who’s specialty is real estate investors. Create a letter that spells out how easy it is to sell to you and start talking to people.

Learn more about our Owners with Low Financial Stability Scores (FSS)
