Senior Homeowners are a terrific group to contact for real estate investors who are looking for motivated sellers.

These older owners are quite often ready to downsize or transition to assistance. You can customize a mail piece that will catch their attention and let them know how easy it can be to work with you.

Moving can be overwhelming to someone who has deferred maintenance and filled their house with a lifetime of possessions.

As a Real Estate Investor, you can stand out from the crowd and bring a lot of value-add to the table in addition to an as-is, cash deal that everyone else is offering

You can be the hero – and help these seniors to move. Arm yourself with a stable of referrals that you can bring in. Realtors (or social workers) to help find a new place to live, yard sale specialists, antique and collectable dealers, moving companies and packers.

When you send out your direct mail campaign be sure to

Capture their attention – here are several  options

  • Want to get out of your house but think it will be too much work to sell?
  • What has prevented you from selling your house for simpler living?
  • Overwhelmed with home maintenance and repairs?
  • Don’t spend another penny on home repairs when you can sell your house AS-IS

Statement of fact – mirror daily issues of owning an older home

  • Home ownership can be tough; always something else to get fixed, yards maintained, expenses and taxes always on the rise.

Statement of fact – describe the difficulties associated with a traditional home sale

  • Getting your house ready to go on the market for a traditional sale can also be even tougher if you think you need to paint, fix the roof/windows/screen door, replace the carpet etc. …. I get the picture. It’s overwhelming.
  • It’s no fun to open your doors to strangers who are looking into every nook and cranny.

Your value proposition

What would you think if I said that I will pay cash for your house?  As-is. No fixing up, no hassle. Just cash on the barrel. On your schedule, when you are ready.

Additional value propositions

  • introduce you to people to help you find another easier place to live
  • help you sell un-needed items with yard sales and estate specialists
  • arrange moving company and even packers if you want
  • do the home clean-up for you

One important thing to keep in mind:

DON’T say anything that indicates that you know that they are seniors… nothing like “Seniors like you” or “You must be having trouble keeping up”. Keep it generic and they are getting something that happens to address their needs.

If someone has been thinking about moving, your letter of post card could tilt the scales in your favor.

Whether you are a real estate strategy is flipping, buy and hold, wholesaling or BRRRR, think about the Seniors with 15+ Year Ownership for your next seller mail campaign. Click here to learn more about WHY seniors make such good motivated seller leads and how to build a mailing list.